How to Customize Button Layout on Fortnite Mobile with the HUD Layout Tool

The button layout has a tremendous impact on your victory or defeat as a Fortnite Mobile Player. Fortnite allows mobile players to customize the locations of each button (fire, jump, crouch, joystick, etc.) in Fortnite Mobile by using the HUD Layout Tool.

This post will cover everything you need to know to start customizing your controls with the HUD layout tool:

  • What is the HUD Layout Tool?
  • How do you access the HUD Layout Tool?
  • What is the best HUD Layout for Beginners?
  • What are some HUD Layout Tips?

“re-position Fortnite’s buttons on a mobile device however you want…”

What is the HUD Layout Tool in Fortnite?

The HUD Layout Tool is a feature built into the game of Fortnite. The ability to customize the button/control layout is unique to Fortnite Mobile.

  • You can use the HUD Layout tool to re-position Fortnite’s buttons on a mobile device however you want, placing the buttons anywhere on the screen and re-sizing them as needed.
  • Additionally, Fortnite Mobile gamers also have the option to attach a bluetooth controller to their device, if they are more accustomed to console style gaming.

The HUD layout tool allows mobile gamers to account for differences in device size and personal preferences. Since editing the button layout is possible at any time, gamers may find it valuable to tweak & revise the setup after each match when starting out. Ultimately, this will allow gamers to find the button layout that works best for their gameplay.

How to get to the HUD Layout Tool

Step 1:

To access the HUD Layout tool, click the hamburger menu icon in the top right corner of the screen at any time.

Step 2:

At the bottom of the menu list, select “HUD Layout Tool”. Tapping this brings up the interface to re-position the buttons.

Step 3:

Simply hold and drag buttons to move them around. Tap the arrow icon in the top right corner of the screen to show the button customization menu. It will tell you what the button is, let you resize them, and more.
Tap the 4 arrows in the top left to re-center the tool.

Step 4:

Dragging your finger on the screen will allow you to move the map around and reveal Extra Buttons available.

While it may seem a bit overwhelming with just how many Extra Buttons there are to choose from, you can actually ignore the majority of them for regular Battle Royale gameplay.

What is the best HUD Layout?

Your HUD layout will depend a lot on your skill level and how long you have been playing Fortnite Mobile. Buttons should be in a place where you can access them fluidly and naturally during heat of the moment fights.

A Beginner’s HUD Layout Setup

If you are new to Fortnite Mobile, go with something simple. When I started playing, my first custom HUD had minimal buttons on screen, no quick access build buttons, and was designed to be used with just two thumbs.

Here is what my first HUD layout looked like, which may be suitable for other beginners as well. Again, this HUD is designed to be simple, for people playing with two thumbs as opposed to four fingers. Since then I’ve experimented with various setups optimized for building and aiming.

The great thing about Fortnite Mobile is that every button is moveable and customizable. You can access the HUD Layout tool at any time to (tweak and change things slightly after each match) so your control setup is always evolving improving with you as you become a more experienced player and figure out what works best for you.

General HUD Layout Tips:

  1. You may want the Fire button near the thumb of your dominant hand.
  2. Look and Move: Move should be on the side of your non-dominant hand. Look should be on the side of your dominant hand.
  3. Map and Settings buttons: move these to the the furthest corner of the screen. While the map takes up a large amount of space on the screen, do you really need to view your minimap at all times? Perhaps it can be covered by your thumb, somewhere out of the way.
  4. Tools and Weapons inventory: there are a few spots you could put these, depending on your play style. If you play 4-Finger, you may want these to be near your non-dominant index finger. If you play with just your thumbs, keeping these at the bottom or top of the screen may be most convenient for reachability.
  5. Jump and Build should be simultaneously accessible while using the Fire button.
    • Having Jump and Build easily accessible allows you to manage all three of these attack and defense processes to give yourself an advantage.
    • When engaged in a close combat fight during a match, you’re going to be jumping a lot and building up for barricade protection. Although it can be tricky to coordinate all three of these processes, the best players master the ability to do so.
  6. Remove unnecessary buttons from your layout. You can drag them to the side so that they are out of the display window.
  7. Some devices allow you to have TWO fire buttons. If you have this option, consider placing a smaller fire button on the side of your non-dominant hand.
    • This would allow you to more easily access Fire when standing in one spot and aiming at opponents.
    • While using your dominant thumb to control Look, it may be more fluid to tap Fire with your non-dominant thumb or forefinger, in this situation.
  8. General Button Settings:
    • Turn on Tap Anywhere to Fire from the main control settings page. This is helpful in addition to having a dedicated fire button.
    • Turn on Turbo Build, and place build shortcut keys on screen for faster building.
  9. Re-size buttons: Although the HUD is great because we can customize it, the caveat is that the more buttons we have on screen, the harder it will be to see the actual gameplay. With each HUD, its important to have a balance between ease of view as well as clickability.
    • The buttons you use most often (Fire, Jump, or Scope for example) should be the largest buttons on your screen.
    • Other buttons, such as Reload, should be easily accessible on screen, but can be smaller so that you can see the actual game.

As a Fortnite Mobile gamer, you have the unique advantage of customizing your button layout. The best part is that you tweak and change the layout as often as you want – even after every match. Eventually, you’ll find a layout that works best for your specific style of game play.

How to Disable iOS 13 Gesture Pop-Up Bar for 3 & 4 Finger Claw

When you play Fortnite mobile on iOS 13 with 3 or 4 finger claw technique, there’s a weird glitch as a result of the multi-touch gesture setting that causes the editing bar (undo/redo/cut/copy/paste) to pop up unexpectedly.

How does the iOS 13 Gesture Bar Interrupt Gameplay?

The gesture bar shows up when you tap your screen with 3 or more fingers. This can interrupt mobile gameplay and can be quite frustrating as it momentarily freezes your ability to control the game.

The ability to use both the thumbs and index fingers to perform three or more actions simultaneously while playing (such as Move, Fire, Look, or Crouch) is very important for mobile gamers that play with the 3 or 4 finger claw technique.

Since there was no way to turn this setting off in iOS 13, the bar has all but ruined the experience for claw style mobile players.

There has been a significant amount of backlash from the mobile gaming community online.

Thankfully, Apple is a large company and is therefore able to make improvements quickly.

With the launch of iOS 13.1 in September as well as subsequent releases of 13.2 and 13.3, Apple has added “improvements and bug fixes” which fix the problem.

If you wait to upgrade your device, however, the problem will continue until you upgrade.

3 responses to “How to Customize Button Layout on Fortnite Mobile with the HUD Layout Tool”

  1. […] idea to improve your build speed is by switching up your mobile button position using the HUD layout tool. One thing you can do is actually ADD an extra action button to […]


  2. […] mobile offers you the capability to move the action buttons around on your […]


  3. […] screen by tapping the hamburger icon in the top right corner of the screen, and selecting “HUD Layout Tool“. Having your buttons in a customized location can make all the […]


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